Quickly back out of everything (in PS or PSE) at anytime during the editing process.
Get a list of my top 7 favorite digital scrapbooking supply stores below.
In September 2020 I connected with a longtime member of our community, Nanci Radford. She shared her story of devastating loss and how scrapbooking played a major roll in the…
No tricks, only treats! We want to know -- What's your favorite individually wrapped treat AND what's your favorite subject to scrapbook? Let us know and we'll enter you into…
Don’t settle for a plain chipboard title. Make it unique by clipping a composite layer to it. Your friends will want to reach out and touch it.
Are you a slow scrapper or a fast scrapper? In my latest poll in Community, a majority of members
Geek out on type inside a shape by creating a free flowing custom text box.
For many of us, the month of September means summer is over and it’s time for the regular school year
For the month of August, we asked our Creative Team to create pages about their hero(s). I hope you are
I try to be so careful, but today it happened…again. I accidentally flattened and saved over my scrapbook page—in a