Draw attention to photos and journaling by creating a broken stroke outline with phrases or dingbats. Use this technique to frame your entire page for that little extra touch.
Give your title an echoed effect using the Rectangular Marquee tool and a Stroke.
Create dictionary definition style word art for your digital projects using two fonts and a keypad shortcut.
Part 2 in our Letterboard series. Create the look of realistic letterboard letters with the use of Layer Styles.
Turn a simple phrase into an eye-catching piece of word art with the use of Polar Coordinates.
Quickly create the look of an intertwined title using the combination of a selection with a layer mask. Includes a FREE layered quick page and word art.
Make your project more visually interesting by creating a color split title using a Color Fill adjustment layer with a layer mask.
Use the Type and Shape tools to create a super versatile card template with multiple layers that will leave LOTS and LOTS of room for additional decoration.
Give your digital project a custom letter banner. All it takes is the Horizontal Type tool to create this paper die-cut effect.
Quickly add trendiness to your next digital project by creating a customizable dashed grid using your favorite font and color.