I can hardly believe it, but here we are into the third month of Project 12 for 2012! If you haven't joined us yet, now's the perfect time! Read more…
Here we are into the second month of Project 12 for 2012! If you haven't joined us yet, now is the time to get started! It's so much easier to…
Welcome to the Digital Scrapper Project 12 in 2012 Challenge. It's hard to believe how fast 2011 flew by! Read more >>
Project 12 for 2011 is wrapping up soon! See some of the latest pages posted to the gallery and get inspired to finish up your own pages to be eligible…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…
Join us in Project 12 for 2011! Make a page or layout spread for each month, and then create an album with it at the end of the year and…