Gain a little expert knowledge of the Rectangular Marquee tool to make it easy to create tabbed journaling.
Draw attention to photos and journaling by creating a broken stroke outline with phrases or dingbats. Use this technique to frame your entire page for that little extra touch.
Transform a background paper using a fancy striped selection and a layer mask. This technique is the perfect way to add transitioning to your scrapbook page.
Give your title an echoed effect using the Rectangular Marquee tool and a Stroke.
Draw attention to your precious photos by creating a circle anchor using the magic wand tool.
Learn how to create a custom frame with a custom phrase that you can use in so many awesome ways!
Make your own unique and dreamy photographic backgrounds. In three quick steps you’ll have the beginnings of something beautiful.
Ready to tell your story, but not sure you’re ready for the world to see all the naked details? I’ve got you covered.
Split a title in half to add emphasis to your next digital project.
Add visual interest to your digital projects using a geometric overlay. Read More »