Add dimension to your title using the Type tool and the Selection tool. Includes a FREE 12x12 inch grayscale template.
Take your title from boring to outstanding by creating a broken word anchor. It’s easy to do with a selection and a layer mask.
Quickly turn a title into a transparent edge sticker with this complex layer style. The secret is to reduce the opacity of the stroke outline.
Make your project more visually interesting by creating a color split title using a Color Fill adjustment layer with a layer mask.
Watch these 3 tiny tips for creating a super fast BIG picture scrapbook page using a single photo and just a few overlays and fonts.
Build confidence with the Type Tool by adding easy velum lettering to a quick greeting card.
With just the use of a stroke outline and the brush tool, your title will have an authentic stencil look.
Need to add a classy personal touch to your latest digital project? Create a stenciled monogram using the Type Tool and a layer mask.
Quickly add trendiness to your next digital project by creating a customizable dashed grid using your favorite font and color.
With a few simple steps, take your title from boring to outstanding when you create outlined letters!