New FREE Video + Finding Your “Why”

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May 4, 2021  |  Digital Scrapper News  |  Volume 19, Issue 18

Hi there!

Have you forgotten your “why?”

Your “why” is what drives you to do just about anything, even the simple and seemingly meaningless things, like:

  • Why do you feed the birds? For me, I love to watch them come to my feeders. They relax me and help me to focus on the Creator of all things, big and small.
  • Why do you browse antique stores? For me, I’m looking for a little piece of my past. I want to hold on to those memories that mean so much to me.
  • Why do you scrapbook? For me, I scrapbook because my pages tell the story of my people, and they remind my people that they belong to something greater than themselves.

Your Scrapbooking “Why” Is Important
It’s what drives you to create. Have you forgotten your scrapbooking “why?” If so, I’d encourage you to read through the comments of our iNSD blogpost that was published last week. Your “why” is likely listed among those comments.

Learn More for FREE
This week on the blog, Karen Schulz has a new FREE video tutorial that will get you playing with colorful photos. It’s quick and fun and just what a scrapper needs to jumpstart creativity for the week. You’ll find the details below.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. The header above was created using A Pocketful of Sunshine by Kristin Cronin-Barrow.

P.P.S. The winner of the FREE class during our iNSD event was Judy Mac.




New FREE Video Tutorial
Playful Plaid
by Karen Schulz

Create a plaid paper that color coordinates with your photo by using the Rectangular Marquee tool.

This tutorial includes:

  • Closed-captioned video
  • Step-by-step PDF manual
  • Photo to practice with.



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