FREE Title Tip #1 + FREE Scrapbooking Series Video

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June 21, 2022 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 20, Issue 25

Hi there!

Every story you tell needs a title.

For the next 10 weeks, this newsletter will be focused on ideas you can add to your next scrapbook page to help tell your story in a unique and classy way.

Here’s Title Tip #1: Color-Coded Overlapping Title


Tips for creating a title like this:

  • Choose a thick font.
  • Place each letter on its own layer.
  • Color each letter differently to match your subject.
  • Lower the opacity of the letters to 65% and overlap them.



Scroll below to see how this Chef Boy RD page was created. It’s part of our Summer Scrapbooking Series in Fundamentals and it’s FREE for your viewing pleasure.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

P.S. The header above was created using Spring Mood by Tiramisu Designs.

P.P.S. The font for “seaside” is Skyline. The font for “Chef Boy RD” is Amastery Hand.

P.P.P.S. One of the perks of enrolling in 10 Timeless Titles is that you’ll receive a PDF of all 10 Title Tips at the end of class.



New from Our Community Forum

  • Boogie Week. Did you get anything awesome accomplished during Boogie Week last week? If so, pop into one of our Boogie posts and tell us about it!
  • Friday Favorites. There have been some great finds the last couple of weeks in Friday Favorites. Come and see what others have found around the web.




Our newest class, 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, is underway, but there’s still time to enroll before:

  • The Introductory Sale (50% off) ends Monday, June 27, 2022, Midnight Eastern.
  • Registration ends Monday, June 27, 2022, Midnight Eastern. This class will not be open for enrollment again until January 1, 2023.

Enroll Now and Save 50% on 10 Timeless Titles




FREE Summer Scrapbooking Series
Watch Me Scrap

Watch Jen White create this scrapbook page from beginning to end.

Watch the Video in Fundamentals


Spectacular Pages from the Galleries


Page & Photo: No Longer on the Mound by Jen White
Class & Quick Page: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, Title In Mask by Jen White


Photo & Page: Anke Turco
Class: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, Title In Mask by Jen White


Page: Gina Harper, Photo: Debbie Gentry
Class: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, Title In Mask by Jen White


Page & Photo: Kellie Linn
Class: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, Title In Mask by Jen White


Page & Photo: Val Sleger
Class: 10 Timeless Titles Vol 1, Title In Mask by Jen White


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