Getting to Know Darcy Baldwin

with 43 Comments

There are some exciting new developments here at Digital Scrapper! We have a new Forum DirectorDarcy Baldwin!

Darcy is taking on the role of Forum Director to free up Jan Walker to devote all of her time to teaching classes as well as Premier tutorials. We’re very excited to gain a talented and knowledgeable person to help us in the Forum, allowing us to reap the full benefits of Jan’s creative and artistic talents in other areas. (Learn more about Jan’s new role here.)

Some of you may already know Darcy as a designer at Sweet Shoppe Designs. She creates amazing custom fonts for personal and business use. I’m sure many of you already have quite a few of them in your digi scrapping stash — I know I do!

Darcy has been a member of Digital Scrapper since November, 2008, and her Gallery is full of beautiful, fun, and memorable layouts. We want you to get to know more about this amazing woman, and she has graciously agreed to reveal a bit about herself, her family, and her life.

DS: Tell us a little about yourself, Darcy.

DB: I’m a mom to two wonderful boys, Connor (12) and Aiden (almost 9) whom I homeschool. I’ve been married to Russ for 15 years. We live in Texas, and are a family full of geeks who love science and reading and cooking and play. All 3 ‘men’ are involved in Tae Kwon Do (a martial art), and as a family we’re very active in our church.

DS: How did you get into digital scrapbooking?

I was a paper scrapper for a few years, and then tried my hand at digital scrapping when I was trying to find an easier way to mass produce some cards for a swap on a paper scrapping board. I never went back to paper. I’ve been digitally scrapping for about six years now and would say that while I’m still digital, I still scrap in a paper style. I gave away or sold all of my paper supplies, and you can’t make me go back to it! You don’t have the Ctrl-Z key in paper scrapping!

You can see my gallery at Digital Scrapper here.

DS: You are very well known for designing custom fonts. Tell us a bit about that.

DB: I also have been blessed to be able to turn my love of storytelling into a career. I am a fontographer — creating handwriting fonts for folks for scrapping and business needs. I currently sell my wares and services through Sweet Shoppe I love being able to help folks tell their stories in their own words, and leaving some of themselves behind on their scrapbook pages. When I first started digital scrapping, the two things I really missed most was tearing paper and my own handwriting on my pages. Thankfully — through templates and my font — I can do both now! I’m a big fan of 2 page layouts, and even using bad pictures if that’s all you have!

DS: What is one piece of advice you would give to other scrappers?

DB: My philosophy for scrapping is to get your story down… no matter what manner you do it in, be it simple paper scrapping, collecting and sorting your photos, journaling, or digital scrapping with all the bells and whistles. Get those stories down for your later years, your children and their children down the line.

DS: Would you pick three of your favorite layouts and tell us a little about them?

DB: Sure! I love the following three layouts for the emotions they evoke.

My 2 Sons: I happened to catch an awesome photo of my two little guys — they’re beautiful to me, and when I began working with this template, I just fell in love with the structure and simplicity of the layout.

My 2 Sons, by Darcy Baldwin

Now and Then: It was great to be able to go back and list out the prices of goods and services from my growing up years compared to the boys. They still ask a lot of questions about what it was like ‘back then’ as if it were the Stone Age! They can’t believe we didn’t have computers when I was growing up, much less no video games or cable!

Now and Then, by Darcy Baldwin

You Are Precious: I wrote this for my son on his faith. Not only is it so very special to me about the subject matter, I tried a few techniques new to me, and love how it turned out.

You are Precious, by Darcy Baldwin

DS: Well, thank you so much, Darcy! It’s been great learning a bit about you. We are excited to have you with us at Digital Scrapper and we know that you will enjoy being a part of this warm, welcoming, and helpful community!

And last, but not least, Darcy is offering a free font for all our blog readers! How cool is that? Just click here to download Miss Flora Mae Bell.

43 Responses

  1. Lin
    | Reply

    A little late, but I have been behind — nevertheless WELCOME and thank you for the font.

  2. Linda Burnette
    | Reply

    Darcy, thanks so much for the font…it’s awesome!


  3. JanRene
    | Reply

    Congrats Darcy! Thank you for sharing your story and the free font.

  4. Jobascraps
    | Reply

    Congrats Darcy! I check into the forums almost everyday & frequently post so I expect I’ll be seeing your “fingerprints” a lot

  5. Lisa McG
    | Reply

    Welcome and congratulations on your new position! You are very creative! Thanks for the wonderful font – very generous of you!

  6. Wendy
    | Reply

    Welcome Darcy …

    How nice to meet you. I am sure that you are going to be a great asset to the Digital Scrapper 🙂

    … and thanks for the delightful font !!


  7. Lainey
    | Reply

    Congrats, Darcy and thanks or the adorable font!

  8. Mendy
    | Reply

    Thank you for the font. I think I have every one you have made. I still say I am going to get you to do one of my handwriting. Would help these arthritis hands. I also homeschooled my two boys that are now young men. Wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  9. Priss
    | Reply

    Wishing you all the luck in the world.

  10. Gayle
    | Reply

    Hi Darcy, thank you for sharing your story and letting us get to know you better. Also congratulations on your new position at this wonderful Digital Scrapper site.

  11. Luisa
    | Reply

    Thanks so much for the free fonts. Now I have one more in my collection of your created fonts (you did my handwriting, my printing and my daughter’s print). Welcome! I love your layouts and your creativity.

  12. Luisa Kelly (OuisieKelly)
    | Reply

    I knew the name sounded familiar! You made fonts of my writing and printing and my daughter. Welcome to Digital Scrapper. I will love to have you around.

  13. Shari
    | Reply

    Congrats and thank you for taking on such a wonderful challenge. Thanks also for the free font.

  14. Julie aka MaggieMae
    | Reply

    Thanks so much for the font – love all of yours!!

  15. Linda J
    | Reply

    Welcome, Darcy! Love, love all 3 layouts. Thanks for the wonderful journaling font. I will use it lots. I believe inn telling the story, too and am scrapping my memoirs as I write them.

  16. Vivian
    | Reply

    Congratulations and welcome! Thank you for sharing your pages with us, and thank you for the font!

  17. Peggy
    | Reply

    Welcome, Darcy! I love your work and know you’ll be a huge asset here!

  18. missy
    | Reply

    Welcome Darcy! I love your design style and I’m sure I’ll be shopping soon! I am a homeschool graduate and recognize all the hard work it takes to teach those kids. It’s in inspiration to see wonderful pages and I can only hope that digital scrapbooking will increase in my life. Thank you for the free font!

  19. Denise1985
    | Reply

    Hi Darcy,

    Thank you for sharing a bit about yourself. I am in awe of any home schooling mom.

    Thank you for the font.


  20. Vicki
    | Reply

    Love handwriting fonts so thanks for this freebie. I’ll be ordering my own from you shortly. Your layouts are great, too!

  21. Barb
    | Reply

    Welcome Darcy! I’m so excited that you have joined Digital Scrapper and I look forward to working with you. Thank you so much for the amazing font!

  22. connieg
    | Reply

    Congratulations Darcy and thank you for the fab font!

  23. Deanie
    | Reply

    Thanks for letting us in on a little bit of your life! Welcome. Also, thank you for the font – I think it will become a favourite!

  24. GinaA
    | Reply

    It is so nice to read about you and your family and how you became a digital scrapbook expert. I am just starting out, and still enjoy making the paper versions but I can see how it is addictive. Thank you very much for the font.

    Best wishes

  25. Janine
    | Reply

    Welcome – I love your fonts. I ordered my own personal one from you and I love being able to use it when I journal on my pages. It turned out so great and it looks like I have such perfect handwriting. lol. Your layouts are spectacular.

  26. pjscraps
    | Reply

    Welcome. Thanks for the adorable font

  27. Cindy
    | Reply

    Welcome, Darcy. I loved your pages. Thanks for the free font. Looking forward to hearing more from you.

  28. pjscraps
    | Reply

    welcome. Thanks for the adorable font.

  29. Bobbie Bluegill
    | Reply

    Congrats and welcome. I own and use a few of your handwriting fonts and I’m hoping that new job isn’t going to prevent you from continuing to make custom fonts. I have yet to order mine for instance.

  30. Andrea Graves
    | Reply

    I’ve been a long term fan of Darcy for years and years! I love her fonts and she has such a fun personality and is a sweetheart. She will do a fabulous job and I’m thrilled to see her in her new role here at Digital Scrapper!

  31. Barbara
    | Reply

    Thanks for the Font I will enjoy using it and welcone to the Forum.

  32. Gil
    | Reply

    Nice to ‘meet’ you Darcy, your work is beautiful!

  33. lovetodecorate
    | Reply

    Loved getting to know you better, Darcy. I have loved your fonts for a long time. Thanks for the freebie. Your pages are amazing. wonderfully creative and beautiful.

  34. Barbara
    | Reply

    Thank you, Darcy! I’ve heard your name around the “interwebs” for some time now. It’s wonderful to have you in your new role here at DS!

  35. lozzie
    | Reply

    welcome to the forum..enjoyed your site and ordered a print font …..looking forward to creating it ..thanks .lozzie

  36. Joan
    | Reply

    I had Darcy create my handwriting into a font…absolutely love it and use it all the time. So much fun to see it on someone else’s LO too.

  37. Dolores
    | Reply

    Thank you! I love handwriting fonts and this one is super!

  38. beverly
    | Reply

    Welcome, Darcy. I enjoyed getting to know you. Thanks for the handwriting font.

  39. Sandy/tx-nana-scraps
    | Reply

    Congrats Darcy on your new position here. Great reading about you and love your Then & Now layout.
    Thanks also for the freebie.

  40. Sue
    | Reply

    Congratulations! I love your scrapbooking style. Love to learn some of your techniques.

  41. Thejage
    | Reply

    Sometime in Eternity, maybe I’ll become this creative!!!

  42. Lori
    | Reply

    Welcome to Darcy! Congrats on the new position and thank you for the free font–so adorable!

  43. Coralie
    | Reply

    Really enjoyed your story and getting to know you.
    Thanks so much for the font – I am sure it will look great on my scrapbooking.

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