Photoshop Elements 9 Review—Layer Masks

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In my opinion, the best new feature of Photoshop Elements 9 is the layer mask! I NEVER thought Adobe would add it to Photoshop Elements, but there it is—a single button at the bottom of the layers panel you can click, and PRESTO! You have a layer mask.

What do layer masks do? Essentially, they hide part of a layer in a nondestructive way. Read more >>Read More

Photoshop Elements 9–Out of Bounds Photo

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I’ve got another video for you to watch on the features of Photoshop Elements 9. It’s really a cool effect called Out Of Bounds. This is where part of the photo appears to stick out beyond the edge of the photo.

I’ve taught how to do this manually, and let me tell you, this is a lot simpler! All the steps are written out for you right inside Photoshop Elements 9, but I do add some information in my video that should be helpful to you. Read more >>Read More

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