Top 10 Favorites Challenge Winner

with 7 Comments

This was such a fun challenge! I love seeing everyone’s Top 10 Favorites. The Top 10 Favorites Challenge Gallery had some serious eye candy!

Our winner for this challenge is:


by mrsburgess

I just love the clustering in this lovely layout, and the theme of this Top 10 Favorites page is so sweet! The font used on the journaling is just perfect and so easy to read (in fact, I had to go snag this font for my personal, massive font collection!), and it is used with such heartfelt journaling. Such a sweet page and so fun to look at! Congrats, mrsburgess!

mrsburgess, in the next few days, you will receive a little note in your inbox at the Digital Scrapper forum from us with your $10 gift certificate code. You can use it in the Scrapper’s Guide Shop towards Photoshop & Photoshop Elements TutorialsDigital Scrapbooking Kits, or Scrapbook Templates!

And to everyone — thanks so much for entering our Scrap Your Happy Place Challenge. What special memories you all had to capture and document for this challenge!

If you’re new to digital scrapbooking and want to know how to get started, check out our self-paced class, Learn Digital Scrapbooking, taught by Adobe’s Official Scrapbooking Expert, Linda Sattgast!

If you haven’t see our current challenge, check out the Then & Now Challenge — it’s open for entries until November 13th, 2011 at midnight, Pacific Time.

7 Responses

  1. Bethany Burgess
    | Reply

    Thank you so much for all the kind comments! I haven’t been around here for a while, but Linda taught me how to get started in Elements. I haven’t been scrapping very much lately and this challenge was just the prompt to inspire me. Thanks again!

  2. Nikki
    | Reply

    Congratulations on a fantastic layout. It’s very inspiring.

  3. Connieg
    | Reply

    Congratulations on winning the challenge! Like the others who have already commented, I too love the clustering of elements and photo effect. I also really like how you used a pop of color to balance out your page and pull your eye into it.

  4. Barb
    | Reply

    Your clustering of all those little frames and elements is outstanding! This is a wonderful layout – sweet photos and journaling – a very well-deserved win, how fun! Congratulations!

  5. roseb
    | Reply

    I love your idea of actually putting your child’s attributes in a list. I may have to scraplift this one. Love your clustering.

  6. Sharron Lamb
    | Reply

    I am in awe of your clustering. Love the soft colors balanced out by the brown and sepia. All together, a winning LO! Oh yeah! It IS the winner! Congrats.

  7. Nann
    | Reply

    Oh I love your Layout! All the little frames, your shadow work, the journaling etc etc etc… Very well deserved layout congrats from me!

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