This class is for Procreate for iPad.
It’s not for Adobe Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.
She said, “But I can’t draw.” I said, “Of course you can!”
Discover Your Hidden Talent For Drawing
with the Symmetry Tool
Beginner Friendly, Step-by-Step Drawing Instruction
with the Procreate App for iPad
Lesson 1: Getting Started
The secret to symmetry in Procreate begins here.
In Lesson 1, you’ll gain a full understanding
of what the Symmetry Tool is
and how to manage its guides and modes.
Sound intimidating? It’s not.
Syndee makes it complete and painless
with her gentle teaching style.
Lesson 2: Frame
Practical application and repetition solidify concepts.
In Lesson 2, you’ll design a symmetrical frame
using Syndee’s practice sheet
and one of the specialty class brushes.
Frames are the perfect complement
to any scrapbook page or greeting card.
Lesson 3: Symmetry Practice Part 1 – Draw
Regardless of your drawing experience,
your confidence will soar in Lesson 3.
In this lesson, you’ll build upon your symmetry knowledge
by creating additional graph-style elements.
It’s highly addictive, and you won’t want to stop!
Lesson 4: Symmetry Practice
Part 2 – Color & Shade
Doodling is more delicious
when you add color and shading.
In Lesson 4, you’ll learn the secret to making any doodle
in Procreate super fun and realistic.
These techniques will save you time
and make you look like a genius.
Lesson 5: Flower
Combining symmetry with selections and brushes
has never been more fun!
In Lesson 5, you’ll create a whimsical flower that looks difficult,
but it’s actually super easy using the Symmetry Tool in Procreate.
Syndee will walk you through it
and share her best tips along the way.
Lesson 6: Doodled Background Part 1
You won’t believe how fun and easy it is
to create a symmetrical background
with the Symmetry Tool in Procreate.
In this lesson, you’ll create a full-sized flower background
and quickly fill it with color.
This new skill is guaranteed
to boost your confidence and lift your spirits.
Lesson 7: Doodled Background Part 2
Layers in Procreate can add
endless character to a design.
In Lesson 7, you’ll add doodling to your full-page flower in half the time, thanks to the Symmetry Tool.
Copy Syndee’s doodling or create your own.
Anything goes!
Lesson 8: Yes! There is a Symmetry Tool
in Photoshop => BONUS
By the end of this class
you will have gained new skills using the Symmetry Tool,
brushes, and other useful tools in Procreate.
In Lesson 8’s bonus section,
you’ll have a chance to test your new skills
using the Symmetry Tool in Adobe Photoshop.
Photoshop Elements does not have a Symmetry Tool at this time.
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