Scripted Overlay

with 39 Comments

Scripted Overlay
by Lidia Sari

Okay, I admit it. I cannot write in cursive. It’s horrible! No matter how much I try, my cursive will turn into chicken scratch. I remember when I was young I could spend hours trying to perfect my cursive, but I gave up and spent my time with drawing or doing crafts instead.

My mother-in-law has the most gorgeous cursive I’ve ever seen. I love her cursive, and I love watching her hand move to write. I told her that I want her hands so I could write just like her.

When I see her writing I am always reminded of digital scrapbooking, since it is great to use such decorative cursive on a layout. I know if I had cursive writing just like my mother-in-law’s, I would put it all over my scrapbook layouts.

Today, I am going to show you how easy it is to create an overlay using decorative brushes. I am using handwriting brushes, but any decorative brush will work. Let’s get started.

Step One: Prepare the Workspace

  • Create a new 12 x 12 inch document (File > New > Blank File) at 300 ppi with a white background. (Photoshop: Choose File > New.)
  • In the Menu Bar, choose View > Rulers.
  • Choose View > Grid. (Photoshop: Choose View > Show > Grid.)
  • Click on the Foreground Color Chip to open the Color Picker.
  • In the dialog box, choose a color and click OK. I used Hex Code #ebe3d8.
  • Press Alt Backspace (Mac: Opt Delete) to fill the Background layer with the foreground color.

Step Two: Arrange the First Brush

  • Press the letter D to reset the Color Chips to the default of black and white.
  • Get the Brush tool.
  • In the Tool Options, open the Brush Preset Picker and choose a decorative brush. I’m using Brush 4 from Vintage Hand Vol 1 by Susie Roberts. Set the Size to 1538 px, the Mode to Normal, and the Opacity to 100%. (Photoshop: Also, set the Flow to 100%.)
  • In the Layers panel, click on the Create a New Layer icon.
  • On the document, click once to brush. Do not drag. To change the size of the brush, press the Right or Left Bracket key.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • In the Tool Options, uncheck Auto Select Layer. (Photoshop: Uncheck Auto-Select.)
  • On the document, click near the brush shape and drag it to the upper left corner of the document. I placed my brush shape on the 1.5 inch horizontal line and the 4 inch vertical line. If necessary, use the Arrow keys to nudge the brush into position.


Step Three: Arrange the Second Brush

  • With the Brush tool still active, in the Tool Options, open the Brush Preset Picker and choose a different brush. I’m using Brush 6 from Vintage Hand Vol 1 by Susie Roberts.
  • In the Layers panel, click on the Create a New Layer icon.
  • On the document, click once to brush.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • On the document, click and drag to position the brush shape below the first. I placed my brush shape on the 2 inch horizontal line and 2 inch vertical line. If necessary, use the Arrow keys to nudge the brush into position.


 Step Four: Duplicate the Second Brush

  • Press Ctrl J (Mac: Cmd J) to duplicate the second brush.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • On the document, click near the new brush shape and drag it to a new position. I placed mine at the 4.5 inch horizontal line and the 1.5 inch vertical line.
  • Using the same instructions, duplicate the brush again and move it to a new position.


Step Five: Arrange the Third Brush

  • Get the Brush tool.
  • In the Tool Options, open the Brush Preset Picker and choose a different brush. I’m using Brush 8 from Vintage Hand Vol 1 by Susie Roberts.
  • In the Layers panel, click on the Create a New Layer icon.
  • On the document, click once to brush.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • On the document, click near the brush shape and drag it to a new position. I placed mine at the 8.5 inch horizontal line and the 4.5 inch vertical line.


Step Six: Merge the Brush Layers

  • In the Menu Bar, choose View > Grid to turn off the grid lines. (Photoshop: Choose View > Show > Grid.)
  • In the Layers panel, activate the top layer, then Shift click on the bottom brush layer to activate all the brush layers.
  • Press Ctrl E (Mac: Cmd E) to merge all the brush layers together.

Step Seven: Erase Part of the Brush Shapes

  • Get the Eraser tool.
  • In the Tool Options, open the Brush Preset Picker and choose a Hard Round brush. If you don’t see a Hard Round brush, open the drop-down menu and choose Default Brushes. (Photoshop: Open the fly-out menu, choose Reset Brushes, and click OK.) Set the Size to 250 px, the Opacity to 100%, and the Type to Brush. (Photoshop: Set the Mode to Normal and the Flow to 100%.)
  • On the document, click and drag to erase any unwanted brush marks.


Step Eight: Crop and Save

  • Press Ctrl A (Mac: Cmd A) to select all.
  • In the Menu Bar, choose Image > Crop.
  • Press Ctrl D (Mac: Cmd D) to deselect.
  • In the Layers panel, click on the Background layer and drag it to the Trash icon.
  • Save the overlay (File > Save As) as a PNG document.

Step Nine: Use the Overlay

  • Open a paper or layered scrapbook page (File > Open).
  • In the Layers panel, activate the paper layer to which you’d like to add the overlay.
  • Activate the overlay document.
  • Get the Move tool.
  • On the document, while holding down the Shift key, click and drag the overlay onto the scrapbook page.

Here’s my finished layout using the overlay I made. In this layout, I decided to change the color of the overlay to match my layout better. I hope you will give this technique a try, and I can’t wait to see it in the Digi Scrap Tutorial Gallery.


Tutorial: Scripted Overlay by Lidia Sari

Software: Photoshop Elements 12, Adobe Photoshop CC 2014
Scrapbook page: Moments by Lidia Sari
Papers: Beautiful You by Kristin Cronin-Barrow
Script brushes: Vintage Hand Vol 1 by Susie Roberts

Circles stamp brush: Give Thanks by Anna Aspnes
Butterfly element: Mother Is a Verb by Krystal Hartley
Music note: Perfect Harmony Kit by Christine Mortimer
Overlay heart: Everlasting Love Kit by Studio Manu
Pencil scribbles by Lidia Sari
Fonts: Philly Sans and Monotype Corsiva

Download this Digi Scrap Tutorial


Lidia SariAuthor: Lidia Sari |
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39 Responses

  1. C.
    | Reply

    Are any of these brushes available for purchase?

    • Jen White
      | Reply

      Sorry, C. No, we do not sell script overlays. You should be able to find a multitude of them in online scrapbooking stores. Hope this helps.

  2. Maggie
    | Reply

    Loved this tutorial and will certainly have fun using the technique. Thanks so much 🙂

  3. Mungo
    | Reply

    Love your scrap page – thank you very much for your tutorial

  4. Glenys Masson
    | Reply

    I know this is very late but I use Google Chrome for my browser. If I use the DOS command CTRL + P & the print dialog box is displayed with “save” and I can save the document to my hard drive (comments and all) and prints out normally. In previous comments one lady was using IE. I tested the same process but a print dialog box was displayed however it did have the option “print to file”. I didn’t do that but it should work

  5. Barb7
    | Reply

    Congratulations! I’ve always admired your layouts in the gallery and now I have the pleasure of learning from you also, and this tutorial is such a wonderful start. Thank you.

  6. Jeffri Moore
    | Reply

    I agree with others. Nice tutorial.

  7. Maggie [smith]
    | Reply

    Loved the tutorial! Thanks. Also congratulations on your new position. You always post such great pages and I know you will do great as an instructor. I am looking forward to more of your expertise and creativity.

  8. Annette
    | Reply

    Congratulations Lidia, You must be excited. Looking forward to more of your great ideas.

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Annette!

  9. Donna (donnal)
    | Reply

    This is a great tutorial, Lidia. And, a big congrats to you on becoming one of the Digital Scrapper instructors. Looking forward to seeing more.

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Donna! 🙂

  10. Mary (cheerio54)
    | Reply

    How wonderful that you’ve joined the wonderful creative team. Congratulations! I’ll be sure to try your tutorial . . . it looks fantastic.

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thank you, Mary! Please do try it! I will be waiting for your layout at the DS Tutorial Gallery!

  11. Su Hall
    | Reply

    This was a really helpful tutorial! I am going to go try it for myself! Thank you!

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thanks, Su! If you do make it, please share it with us at DS Tutorial Gallery!

  12. Lidia Sari
    | Reply

    Hello lovely ladies. I am so sorry that the icon to Create A PDF of This Blog Post does not work. Please check out Jen’s awesome post about creating a pdf file you can save in your computer. Here’s the link to the post

  13. Linda Sattgast
    | Reply

    The PDF link works now. It takes you to a tutorial on how to make your own PDF. Since the tutorials will not be removed from the blog, we’re not making a PDF for you, but it’s very easy to make one yourself following Jen White’s instructions. (Windows or Mac)

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thanks, Linda!

  14. Kathy W
    | Reply

    Your tutorial is terrific. I wish I could keep it to refer to in the future, but the pdf link doesn’t seem to work! I hope it can be fixed.

  15. Terri
    | Reply

    I always love tutorials showing me how to better use the supplies that I have. This is wonderful. I also love the scripted additions to scrapbook pages. Thanks you for sharing your wonderful talent and I am glad that you will now be sharing it often!!

  16. Julie L.
    | Reply

    Thanks for this great tutorial – the link to the PDF doesn’t work for me. Hope to download it soon!927

  17. janalyn
    | Reply

    PDF link doesn’t work for me either…

  18. Barb
    | Reply

    Awesome tutorial, Lidia!

  19. Barbara B
    | Reply

    I find also that the pdf link doesn’t work.
    Great tutorial, thanks.

  20. Theresa
    | Reply

    Great tutorial – As Maddy mentioned above, the PDF link doesn’t work for me either.

  21. KFM
    | Reply

    I can not open the PDF file. I am using Windows 8.1

  22. Lois
    | Reply

    Could we have a download link for this tutorial please. The pdf icon showing is not a link

  23. Nann
    | Reply

    A big welcome from me Lidia we’re glad to have you on the team. Wonderful tutorial too, I love the look of your scripted overlay on your layout. Will be giving this a try. Thanks

  24. Pixie
    | Reply

    Great tutorial. I love to see script on a LO. I think it adds texture & dimension without overwhelming the page. I’ll be trying this soon.

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thanks, Pixie! Can’t wait to see your finished layout in the Tutorial Gallery.

  25. Roberta Hoyt
    | Reply

    Thank you for this informative and detailed tutorial. Can’t wait to try it.

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      You are most welcome, Roberta! I can’t wait to see it in the Tutorial Gallery! 🙂

  26. Doris
    | Reply

    Congrat on your first tutorial. Lovely overlay.

  27. Maddy
    | Reply

    The create PDF link doesn’t work. I tried in IE, Chrome and Firefox.

  28. Gayle
    | Reply

    I just read the tutorial Lidia, & it sounds great. I too have chicken scratch writing and would dearly love to have that nice flow. Great work on the tute and congrats on becoming one of our fabulous instructors.3

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thanks, Gayle! Glad you like the tutorial! 🙂

  29. Jen (rfeewjlj)
    | Reply

    Lidia this is an awesome tutorial! Now I have to go get those brushes by Susie!! 🙂

    • Lidia Sari
      | Reply

      Thanks, Jen! Love those brushes a lot! Have used them in many of my layouts! 🙂

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