New Type Tool Shortcut + Sneak Peek

January 29, 2019 | Digital Scrapper News | Volume 17, Issue 5

Hi there!


Sometimes I can’t remember what I already know. And, sometimes I just know I can’t remember.

But, I’m pretty sure I didn’t know this Type Tool shortcut, because I’m sure I’d remember!


Type Tool Shortcut


How about you? Is this shortcut in the foreground of your memory? If not, consider writing it on a sticky note this week and attaching it to your monitor. You’ll have it memorized before you know it.

Love and creative success,

Jen White

New Class – Coming Next Week

Brushes and patterns and filters . . . and selections and layer masks and shapes . . .
and shadows and textures and swatches. . . and . . .

Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to wait and see!
Be on the lookout — Monday, February 4, 2019.

In Case You Missed it . . .

  • New weekly newsletter benefit
  • 2019 Lifetime Premier Coupon code announcement
  • Pantone’s Color of the Year for 2019
  • New Community feature – Friday Favorites
  • FREE Qwik Tutorial – Circle Flowers by Jenifer Juris
  • Do you scrapbook the little, seemingly insignificant things in life?
  • FREE Video: Realistically Shadowed Paperclip

See our archived newsletters on the blog.

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