Digital Scrapper

At Digital Scrapper, we help you tell your stories through digital scrapbooking using Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements. We also teach creativity using Procreate and organization using Adobe Bridge.

Your hub at Digital Scrapper can be found in your All-In-One Account. To login, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, choose Marketplace > My All-In-One Account. You will be asked to login or register.

NOTE: When logging in, use your complete email address and password.
If you need help, please contact Customer Support.

To change your Website email and/or password:
1. Login to the website with your old email and password.
2. Login to Community with your old email and password.
3. Logout of Community.
4. Return to the website, navigate to your All-In-One Account, and change your email and/or password.
5. Login to Community with your new email and password.

Our tutorials and classes support:

  • Photoshop Elements (last 3 versions)
  • Adobe Photoshop (subscription)

Consult specific tutorials and classes for exceptions.

Photoshop Elements and Adobe Photoshop are both good choices for digital scrapbooking. The main difference is the price. Photoshop is the gold standard of professional graphic designers and photographers. It has a lot of extra power, much of which you don’t need for routine scrapbooking, and some of which is very nice to have if you can afford the price tag of $10 per month (USD) for a subscription to Photoshop/Lightroom Creative Cloud.

What it really comes down to is finances and long term commitment. Elements can be purchased for less than $100 with no monthly ongoing fee to Adobe.

If you can afford the extra money for Adobe Photoshop, then ask yourself this question: Do I plan to do this long term, or am I just checking it out? If you aren’t sure, go with Photoshop Elements. If you feel pretty confident that working with and compositing photos will at least be a part of your life from now on, go with Photoshop if you can afford it. For most people, Photoshop really isn’t any harder to learn than Elements, but there is almost unlimited room for growth.

Elements, however, has plenty of room for growth, too, so if you go that route, you won’t be disappointed. And once you learn Elements, you’ll be able to graduate to Photoshop when you’re ready without any trouble—they work very much the same.

In the end, however, only you can decide what’s right for you!

Absolutely! We have an extensive lineup of free videos and PDF tutorials on our blog.

  • To learn more about the Digital Scrapper News or the Marketplace Weekly, go to My Newsletter Subscription.
  • To subscribe to the Digital Scrapper News and our Marketplace Weekly, click here to subscribe.
  • To change the email address you use for the Digital Scrapper News and our Marketplace Weekly:
    • At the bottom of a newsletter email, click on Change Subscriber Options.
    • In the browser under your name, choose Edit Contact Information.
    • Enter a different email and click Submit.
      NOTE: For the best experience, use the same email address for website account and your newsletter subscription.
  • To unsubscribe from the Digital Scrapper News and our Marketplace Weekly, at the bottom of any newsletter email, click on Unsubscribe.

The Lifetime Premier Coupon was a special discount awarded to anyone who purchased the COMPLETE 2016 Premier year from Linda Sattgast at the end of 2015. If you are a Lifetime Coupon holder, you will find your benefits and discount code in your Classroom (In Digital Scrapper’s menu, go to Classes > My All-In-One Account, then click on My Classes).

Forever Access guarantees that as long as Jen White owns and operates, you will have online access to all purchased classes and downloads.
• Digital Scrapper’s Forever Access was developed in 2014 by Linda Sattgast. Anything purchased prior to 2014 does not have guaranteed Forever Access, this includes Premier issues.
• If Digital Scrapper changes ownership or ceases operation, Forever Access may become more limited or be discontinued.
• Jen White will attempt to notify members of any change that affects Forever Access using the currently registered email address for your account. Members are responsible to keep their email address current and to regularly check their email from Digital Scrapper. Be aware, if you unsubscribe from our email list and don’t regularly check these terms of use, then we will not be able to keep you up to date about important changes to your Forever Access materials.
• In the event of a change in ownership or discontinuation of operations, members will have ninety (90) days from the date of the email notification to download any classes or products. After that time, all Forever Access content may be limited or removed and further access to the classes and Premier issues may be discontinued. We encourage members to regularly download and back up any purchased content that is important to them on their own computers or media to avoid any interruption of access to products.
• Providing notification and the opportunity to download classes or Premier issues comprises the sole responsibility of Jen White for Forever Access products.

Unless a special license is offered, all classes and products from Digital Scrapper are for personal use only. Read our Terms of Use.

If you are having trouble logging in or paying:

  • #1 Restart Your Computer
    Problem solved? Terrific!
    Problem not solved? Continue to #2.
  • #2 Try a Different Browser
    The most common browsers are Chrome, Safari, and Edge.
    Continue to #3.
  • #3 Clear Your Browser’s Cache/History
    Here’s how in Chrome, in Safari, in Edge, and in Firefox.
    Problem solved? Terrific!
    Problem not solved? Continue to #4.
  • #4 Use a Private Browsing Window
    Unlike a regular browsing window, a private browsing window is one that does not track or remember your steps on the web. Here’s how to find a private window for your browser: ChromeEdgeSafariFirefox
    Use a private browsing window to login.
    NOTE: If this solves the problem, then something is wrong with your browser. You may need to update or reset or reinstall it.
    Problem not solved? Email Customer Support.

Digital Scrapper's Marketplace

Digital Scrapper’s Marketplace is a place for our instructors and designers to sell creative content including classes, tutorials, page templates, and digital scrapbooking supplies. Classes purchased in Marketplace will be found in your classroom. Everything else purchased will be found in your Marketplace Downloads.

  • You will need an account in Marketplace before you can place an order.
  • If you’ve ever made a purchase with us, then you already have an account.
  • Go to My Account. Login with your email address, or if you’re new to Digital Scrapper, then register.

Purchased classes will be found in your classroom. All other purchases will be found in your Marketplace Downloads.
• On Digital Scrapper’s website, in the menu, go to Marketplace > My All-In-One Account.
• In the left-side menu, click on Downloads.
• You will see a black download button for each item you purchased. Newer purchases will be found at the bottom of the list.

If you are having trouble logging in or paying:

  • #1 Restart Your Computer
    Problem solved? Terrific!
    Problem not solved? Continue to #2.
  • #2 Try a Different Browser
    The most common browsers are Chrome, Safari, and Edge.
    Continue to #3.
  • #3 Clear Your Browser’s Cache/History
    Here’s how in Chrome, in Safari, in Edge, and in Firefox.
    Problem solved? Terrific!
    Problem not solved? Continue to #4.
  • #4 Use a Private Browsing Window
    Unlike a regular browsing window, a private browsing window is one that does not track or remember your steps on the web. Here’s how to find a private window for your browser: ChromeEdgeSafariFirefox
    Use a private browsing window to login.
    NOTE: If this solves the problem, then something is wrong with your browser. You may need to update or reset or reinstall it.
    Problem not solved? Email Customer Support.

Digital Scrapper's Classroom

Digital Scrapper’s Classroom is where you’ll find the classes you’ve enrolled in. Anything else you’ve purchased from Marketplace can be found in your Downloads.

Any classes you’ve purchased can be found in your classroom. You will have to login to our website before you can see your classes. To go to your classroom, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, choose Classes > My All-In-One Account. In the left-side menu, choose My Classes.

In late 2024, we started manually copying all of our classes from Teachable to our website. This is a very big job and we’re only able to work on it as we have time. Thank you for your patience. Until the big move is complete, the old Teachable classroom is just as you left it and can be accessed at any time. To access your old classroom in Teachable:

Step One. Login to your Teachable classroom using your email address and password (for Teachable/QwikLearn/DigitalScrapperClasses). 

Step Two. Then, click on this link to see your classes.

Classes are now purchased in Marketplace. After purchasing, they will appear in your classroom.
To see classes that are open for enrollment, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, go to Marketplace > Classes (Open for Enrollment).
To see what classes you already own, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, go to Marketplace > My All-In-One Account. In the left-side menu, click on My Classes.

Digital Scrapper's Community

Digital Scrapper’s Community is a place for creatives to come together for inspiration and support as we tell the stories of ourselves and our families.
• Community is hosted on Circle.
• Linking to other websites is not permitted.
• We do not limit the use designer products used in your projects. You can use any designer from around the web.
• We do require that you credit designers when using their products.

Our community is a mixture of public and private spaces. Some spaces can be viewed by the public and some cannot. Only members of Community can create, comment on, or Like posts.

To join Community, you have to have an account on our website. This helps us keep away bad guys.
• To get an account on our website, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, choose Marketplace > My All-In-One Account. Login or register.
• To login to Community, in Digital Scrapper’s menu, choose Community. Use your Marketplace email and password to login to Community.

To change your Community email and/or password:
1. Login to the website with your old email and password.
2. Login to Community with your old email and password.
3. Logout of Community.
4. Return to the website, navigate to your All-In-One Account, and change your email and/or password.
5. Login to Community with your new email and password.

Contact Customer Support for questions or comments regarding the Digital Scrapper website, the Digital Scrapper News, Marketplace, Community, or Digital Scrapper Classes.

Contact Jen White for questions or comments about tutorials or classes including Digital Scrapper Premier and Stories, My Everyday Life.

Contact Jenifer Juris for questions or comments about tutorials or classes including Make It Match, An Eye for Edits, and Camera RAW.

Contact Syndee Rogers for questions or comments about tutorials or classes including Procreate, Delightfully Die-cut, and Creatively Yours.

Digital Scrapper | Mailing Address — P.O. Box 435, New Paris, IN 46553