Welcome To Digital Scrapper Classes (formerly QwikLearn)!

We have moved our classroom to a richer learning environment.
Classroom Login Page
Community (replaced the old Forum/Gallery and the Facebook group)
Email Support


Jen White






What is QwikLearn?
QwikLearn was the previous name of  Digital Scrapper’s school (classroom). It’s now called Digital Scrapper Classes. This is where you view your classes.

Where is the Classroom?
Our classroom has been hosted on Teachable since September 2018. To sign into the classroom, go to: https://www.digitalscrapperclasses.com/. The old classroom has been disabled.

How do I enroll in the new classroom?
Your email address was added to our classroom in 2018 and your classes are waiting for you. If you have never logged into our new classroom, please confirm your account and create a password. Here’s how:
• Type in the email address you used in the old classroom.
• Then, click “Send Me Instructions.”

What is the difference between “Lifetime” and “Forever Access”
The old classroom marked classes as “lifetime” if they didn’t “expire.” This was a default setting of that old classroom.
But “lifetime” is not the same as our “Forever Access” guarantee. Here is the definition of our Forever Access guarantee.
We did not migrate any free classes to the new classroom because they are not Forever Access classes.

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